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    Perfect location

    Baxter Building offers various office possibilities that all support you and your business as optimally as possible in their own way.

    Baxter Building Amsterdam – with Central Station, Waterlooplein, Stopera, and Hermitage Museum all within 5 minutes. Parking available directly below the adjourning building.

    Directions to Baxter Building


    Muiderstraat 1, 1011 PZ Amsterdam

    Public transport

    Tram 9 and tram 14 – stop Mr. Visserplein
    Metro 51, 53 and 54 – Waterlooplein stop.


    From Ring A10 Noord

    Ringweg, exit Noord / Centrum (S116), follow direction Centrum, go straight ahead via IJtunnel to the first traffic lights, right onto the parallelweg (Valkenburgerstraat), just before the next traffic lights (Mr. Visserplein) you will see the entrance to the parking garage (P1 ) Waterlooplein. Parking garage Markenhoven is located on the left side of the road.

    From Ring A10 West

    From the north you take exit s101, from the south you take exit s102. Then drive towards Centrum. Follow s101 until Centrumring s100, follow Centrumring s100 direction Centrum. Follow the signs for P Waterlooplein. You continue your way onto Valkenburgerstraat, then the next traffic lights on your right and you will find parking garage Markenhoven on your right.


    The navigation address for the Markenhoven parking garage is Anne Frankstraat 220.
    In the garage you drive all the way to the back, park your car here and walk upstairs. Once outside, you immediately turn left, cross the (Rapenburger) street and walk right around the building. You will find the entrance on your left.